Work to ensure ethical procurement with all of our partners and suppliers
We opt for locally-supplied raw ingredients and packaging, while also applying ambitious ethical and transparency standards.

Opt for locally-sourced ingredients
We prioritise local suppliers for our raw ingredients and packaging, buying French wheat, sugar and eggs for the French market, and the Belgian equivalents for the Belgian market. More specifically, over half of the wheat that we source comes from our Limagrain* co-op farmers. We aim to attain 100% wheat from French co-ops by 2025.
*Limagrain co-op farmers have signed the Jacquet production charter.

Guarantee transparent and ethical practices
Having signed the Supplier Relations and Ethical Procurement Charter, we pledge to apply ethical and transparent standards, and to support our partners switching to more ethical practices.
And based on our desire to be ethical and transparent in our dealings with our stakeholders, we ourselves apply the same requirements that we demand of our suppliers. Our CSR strategy was once again recognised in 2024 when it was awarded the Ecovadis silver medal. Ecovadis is the benchmark scheme for CSR assessment, and is based on four areas: Environment, Labour & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement.

And with this desire to be transparent, in 2024 we also joined the OpenClimat Platform, which collects corporate environmental data and publishes it online, open access: corporate carbon footprint, emissions reduction commitments, and results to date.