Waste reduced by 60 tonnes

Working in partnership with ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency), Jacquet Brossard has started reducing its food waste on its Jacquet 2000 site by taking part in the IAA Témoins project (food industry waste reduction initiative).
These three major steps led to a 10% reduction in waste:
- Reduction in the number of sandwich bread end crusts got rid of when slicing.
- Usage of “wonky” bread at the oven mouth to flag up a change of product.
- Systematically unwrapping packaged waste products.
The results recorded on the site are very encouraging: a 60-tonne cut in food waste over the year, which equates to a saving of €30K/year, and close to 40 tonnes of CO2 a year, i.e. a 9% reduction in the company’s greenhouse gas emissions.